AlterInfos - DIAL - Fuentes alternativas de información sobre …
16 de enero de 2025 - La Diaria - Exhortaron a la ANEP, la IM, el MEC y la Udelar a “una participación activa y coordinada”. El 7 de enero, la diaria publicó un artículo que daba cuenta del pedido de la organización afrodescendiente Atabaque sobre detener las excavaciones en el Caserío de los Negros en Capurro hasta encontrar un destino para los …
AlterInfos, Dial and you - AlterInfos - DIAL
Dial (www.dial-infos.org) is a French journal on Latin America published since the seventies (ISSN: 1955-253X). In September 2005, along with a group of Latin-American associates, Dial’s team started AlterInfos, an ambitious multilingual and participative information project taking benefit of developing web technologies.
About Us - AlterInfos - DIAL
No Derivative Works.You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. – Protection of personal information In accordance with the law on protection of personal information (Loi informatique et libertés) voted on January 6th, 1978, you have a right to access, modify and suppress any personal data we might hold.
Amérique latine et Caraïbes - AlterInfos - DIAL
16 janvier 2024 - La ANEP, la IM, le MEC et la Udelar ont été priés de “participer de manière active et coordonnée”. Le 7 janvier, la diaria a publié un article qui évoquait la demande de l’organisation des afro-descendants Atabaque d’interrompre les fouilles au Caserío de los negros à Capurro, jusqu’à ce que soit trouvé un lieu où déposer les restes d’ossements ...
Global - AlterInfos - DIAL
Every year in different regions of the world, poverty, lack of work and violence produce cross-border migrations of millions of people. For decades, these contexts of expulsion of migrants have increased with the structural increase in inequality, the deterioration of the living conditions of a large part of the population and the accumulation of wealth derived from neoliberal globalization.
Latin America and the Caribbean - AlterInfos - DIAL
The production of forced cross-border and irregular mobility Neoliberal globalization, with its characteristic reforms towards the free market and economic deregulation in different regions of the world, has fostered processes of capital accumulation and concentration of wealth, with their respective consequences in the disproportionate increase in …
How to Publish in AlterInfos? - AlterInfos - DIAL
The opinions expressed herein in the articles and comments are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of AlterInfos. Insulting or injurious comments will be deleted without previous notice.
Libros, documentos, revistas, videos y programas audio
Cuba/60. Vidas en revolución es una narración coral de la vida en la mayor de las Antillas a 60 años de la Revolución. Realizada por seis cineastas cubanos y cubanas, la película invita a acercarse desde una mirada íntima y cotidiana a las transformaciones que tuvieron y tienen lugar en Cuba, a volver a a poner la mirada en sus logros y sus desafíos.
AlterInfos - DIAL - Fuentes alternativas de información sobre …
Campagne de soutien 2024-2025 : Il faut encore continuer les efforts ! Avec ce numéro « s’achève » la campagne de soutien 2024-2025. Le total des dons reçus depuis le début de la campagne s’élève désormais à 12 168 euros.
Academia - AlterInfos - DIAL
The macro lens and the perspectives that nullify and make migrants invisible For several decades and particularly from various academic boundaries, contemporary international migrations have been explained as macro processes derived from socio-political dynamics (such as war conflicts and contexts of violence, etc.), environmental (with the impacts of phenomena such as hurricanes, droughts ...