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  1. Copilot Answer
    Free Child Care Forms, Printable Reports, Letters

    Here are some free printable sample child care contracts and handbooks that you can modify and print for your own use. Please do not distribute them for profit. These child care forms include printable sample handbooks and child care contracts. 1. Handbook 2. Parttime Contract 3. Contract with Deposit 4. Full Time Contract 5. Sample Contract 6. Sam...

    Child Care Lounge

    Here are some free printable sample child letters and forms and reports that you can modify and print for your own use. Please do not distribute them for profit. These child care forms include printable sample forms and child care letters. 1. Permission to photograph - 2. Please Donate: A letter to parents - 3. Parent Survey - 4. Welcome to Prescho...

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    Here are some free printable samplechild care formsthat you can modify and print for your own use. Please do not distribute them for profit. These child care forms include printable curriculum forms and child care lesson plans. 1. Play Observation - 2. Preschool Lesson Plan Weekly Chart - 3. Sample Daily Schedule -

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    Here are some free printable sample Personnel and Employee forms and reports that you can modify and print for your own use. Please do not distribute them for profit. These child care forms include printable employee contracts and staff notices. 1. Time Off Request for Staff - 2. Staff Notice for Schedule Change - 3. Employee Contract- 4. Sample Jo...

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    Here are some free printable sample forms and reports for directors that you can modify and print for your own use. Please do not distribute them for profit. 1. Communication Log - 2. Management Staff Task List - 3. Employee Counseling Statement - 4. Employee Performance Appraisal Form - 5. Applicant Reference Check Form -

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