Killeen 2040 Moving Forward. Passed by Killeen City Council in August 2022, Killeen 2040 is a comprehensive plan that the City of Killeen will use to shape our growth and evolution over the next two decades in ways that reflect how the community wants to grow.
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Bordered on the North by Rancier Avenue (FM 439) and on the South by Veterans Memorial Boulevard (Business 190), Downtown Killeen is centrally located in the heart of the city right outside of Fort Hood's East Gate.
Killeen Civic & Conference Center and Convention & Visitors Bureau offer facilities and services for events. Community Events Access calendars to view upcoming events.
The Killeen Municipal Court allows payments in full and partial payments to be made online in most cases. Pay Water Bill. Access the City of Killeen's Online Utility Payment System. Killeen Donation Center
The Killeen Police Department is a 335-member organization, with 265 members allotted sworn strength. We are responsible for all police functions in Killeen, Texas, a city of 156,261 population, covering approximately 55.235 square miles.
The City of Killeen has a very extensive Parks and Recreation program. On WS Young Drive, we offer athletics fields, where we host regional and national tournaments. Newly added is Mickey’s Dog Park featuring two acres of pup amenities. Family Recreation & Aquatics Center