He was against the war in Ukraine … but that’s what I put together, that he never liked him because he was with [Putin],” ...
Trump has successfully persuaded many Americans that his campaign's collusion with Russia in 2016 was a “hoax.” It was not.
In meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky this week, Biden should green-light use of U.S. missiles to hit Russian air ...
The more Donald Trump claims that the Iranian hacking story is worse than the Russian hacking story, the more we’re that he ...
"Avoiding a nuclear war with Russia, which is the greatest nuclear power on earth … We need to avoid a war and start working ...
In the United States and Europe, there is growing uncertainty about how to counter Putin’s aggression without stoking a ...
The Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza called on the US, UK and Europe to strengthen their resolve against his country's ...
The collective blame game for assassination attempts is deeply dishonest, but the truth is that both sides are guilty of wildly overheated, vicious rhetoric.
President Joe Biden is opening a busy stretch Friday tending to international allies anxious about where U.S. foreign policy ...
Iranian operatives stand accused of hacking the Trump campaign and attempting to spread the internal communications they ...
JD Vance has been proposing policy ideas for addressing some of the country's most pressing issues, even though Donald Trump ...
Prince: "There's some indication that shows both the Butler shooter and yesterday's shooter both appeared in BlackRock TV ...