One of the turtles living in the tank facing the belvedere of Villa Floridiana was taken by unknown persons and thrown onto ...
Chain collision on University Avenue, where three cars, traveling in the same direction, were involved in an accident. It all ...
A healthcare worker at Moscati Hospital in Avellino was assaulted by a relative of a patient admitted to the emergency room.
This morning, officers from the mobile squad executed an arrest warrant against a 52-year-old Neapolitan man. The warrant was ...
An unexpected birth, demonstrating how important it has been to equip the Capilupi Hospital in Capri with an effective ...
Convened by the Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, a meeting was held today regarding the safety works following the fall of ...
The Police Chief of Naples has issued six Daspo (measures prohibiting access to sports events), prepared and arranged by the ...
After six years, he moves to Salerno for another prestigious assignment. Colonel Fernando Sileo leaves the command of the ...
Sometimes great rivalries can transform into collaborations. Gino Sorbillo, on the occasion of the opening of Crazy Pizza, ...
The Tar Abruzzo has rejected the appeal presented by the entourage of the neomelodic singer Daniele De Martino, whose real ...
Long joint statement by Curva A and Curva B after the events of Juventus-Napoli, with the away trip denied to the blue fans ...
He had been at Telecapri since 1992 as head of sports and after over 30 years, 32 to be exact, Paolo Del Genio has bid ...