Tamil Nadu’s 13-episode Shark Tank-inspired Startup Singam show will start airing on Republic Day. Read on for the details!
Anupam Mittal was shocked to discover that a trio of founders were fudging their numbers, and he refused to believe them when ...
Shark Tank India, a reality show that gives entrepreneurs a chance to pitch their ideas to successful investors keeps the ...
University of Connecticut graduate and swimwear business owner Hayley Segar will be making her pitch on “Shark Tank” on ...
New London native and University of Connecticut alumna Hayley Segar will pitch her swimwear brand, onewith, on a new episode ...
Most swimsuits are focused on making the wearer appear appealing, and comfort tends to get compromised to ensure fashion.
The future is here! This game-changing technology is set to appear on Shark Tank India 4, and we cant wait to see if it will ...
Many of us are used to storing memorable items associated with birthdays and weddings inside a regular plastic keep or ...
Shark Tank India 4 is not merely a show for entrepreneurs to seek investment but a platform for startups and innovation to ...
Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec recently took to his Instagram, to share a personal story and motivate his followers through it.
After negotiations, the founders secured a deal with Ritesh, Namita, and Aman for Rs 60 lakh in exchange for 4% equity.
Featuring cones grilled rotisserie-style, gourmet soft serve, spreads, toppings and more, this Idaho-based shop will open in ...