Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on Tuesday said he would attend Mahakumbh at Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh next week. Uttar Pradesh ministers JPS Rathore and Om Prakash Rajbhar met Tamang at his ...
Sikkim faces a debate over hosting an Ed Sheeran concert, with SKM advocating for economic benefits and CAP concerned about ...
Uttar Pradesh Ministers JPS Rathore, the Minister of State for the Cooperative Department, and Om Prakash Rajbhar, the ...
The division, which will expand on the already-existing Released Soldiers’ Division and Fund, will include a dedicated branch for reservists’ welfare and be led by Col. (res.) Eyal Hans ...
Trudeau to Resign as Canada’s Prime Minister: ‘It’s Time for a Reset’ Justin Trudeau announced that he was also stepping down as the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. He will remain in ...
In major U-turn, Christian Stocker says he will enter into coalition talks with the far right if invited to do so.