The groundbreaking scientific research vessel Tansuo 3, also known as Exploration 3, marked its debut at the Nanshan Port ...
The extreme cold in mid January that devastated wine and fruit producers in the Okanagan is the 2024 local weather story of the year.
Susan Sharfstein, a professor at UAlbany's College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering, partners with DeepSeq.AI on a ...
Economic and political instability, along with unprecedented levels of mental ill health, have led to what researchers are ...
Tan Suo San Hao, or Exploration No. 3, was commissioned on Sunday in Sanya, South China's Hainan Province, signaling an ...
Texas lawmakers have said they intend to prioritize dementia care and research this session. Many hope this means valuing the ...
Researchers are deploying the KM3NeT underwater telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea to study elusive neutrinos.
Naver WEBTOON switched its default content sorting from "Popularity" to "AI Curator" in June 2023. This personalized system ...
According to Google's Vietnam and Thailand blogs, Gemini 2.0 Flash Experimental, Gemini 2.0 Experimental Advanced, and Gemini ...