Het ‘gevaar’ bij droge afbouw bestaat dat iedere zzp’er denkt er verstand van de hebben, terwijl de verwerking professioneel ...
De historische reeks 'Nieuwbouwwoningen; inputprijsindex bouwkosten 2000=100, vanaf 1990' geeft de ontwikkeling weer van de kosten (loon en materiaal) die gemoeid zijn met de bouw van nieuwe woningen ...
Collectively, they control 80% of the PBM market. All three are also part of large, vertically integrated healthcare companies. Caremark is a subsidiary of CVS Health and a sister company to ...
This story was originally published on Healthcare Dive. To receive daily news and insights, subscribe to our free daily Healthcare Dive newsletter. Recommended Reading PBMs battle bipartisan ...
Their parent companies CVS, Cigna and UnitedHealth all include a major PBM, health insurer and pharmacy network. That vertical integration incentivizes and gives the conglomerates the ability to ...
During the hearing, the PBM executives said that they do not steer patients to their own pharmacies or pay them more favorable rates. Comer said those statements contradicted evidence unearthed by ...
Bron: FNV, Rijksoverheid en Federatie Werkgeversorganisaties Techniek (FWT). Een overzicht van de verschillende loonsverhogingen in 2024 binnen de CAO’s voor de bouw, infra, techniek e.a. is hier te ...
House Over­sight Chair James Com­er (R-KY) has told the CEOs of the three ma­jor PBMs — CVS Care­mark, Ex­press Scripts and Op­tum Rx — to cor­rect what … ...
Cigna’s phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­ag­er Ex­press Scripts said it will re­move Hu­mi­ra from its largest com­mer­cial drug for­mu­la­ries in 2025 to make way for its biosim­i­lars … ...
The University of North Carolina-affiliated health system announced a plan this month to launch UNC Health Pharmacy Solutions, a "transparent" PBM for employers seeking an alternative to CVS ...
Als je werkt met chemicalien die corrosief of bijtend kunnen zijn, mag ik er van uit aan dat je je houdt aan de voorgeschreven PBM mjdb98 @SuPaToLL • 26 februari 2024 12:15 ...