The metal fence, measuring less than a metre tall, was branded an 'eyesore' by councillors after it was erected - and could ...
Trying to decide between a wood fence or a vinyl one? There are some great things about PVC, but also some pretty terrible ...
Algae on fences can be an eyesore, but more importantly, it can damage your wooden fence as it retains moisture, which can ...
A NEIGHBOUR from hell who tore the roof off an OAP couple’s home in a bitter seven-year war over a garden fence has been ...
SPRING is almost here and a lot of homeowners are likely looking for ways to spruce up their gardens. One expert has revealed ...
Garden fences can suffer during the winter season - causing mould or algae to grow. Luckily, one natural ingredient can help ...
Wooden garden fences can quickly become covered in green algae - an expert at Freedom Fence has shared the best way to clean ...
Shady parts of the garden might develop unsightly green algae, especially after a wet winter, but there's a simple solution to get rid of it.
A wellness guru has been ordered to take down her garden fence which blocked a pensioner couple from mowing the lawn of their home. Barry and Sarah Dean said they had for years used a right of way ...
Bill Godfrey knows that lettuce, peppers and fruit grown in the Natrona Community Garden are vital to feeding residents of ...
So whose job is it to replace a broken fence? You might have heard that the fence on the left of your garden belongs to you but Compare the Market says that this isn’t always correct.