Directed by TJ O’Grady-Peyton, Room Taken follows Isaac, played by Gabriel Adewusi, who is desperate for a place to stay and finds an unexpected answer to his temporary homelessness when he takes ...
Rose of London 2023 and accomplished musician Amy Gillen is set for her Royal Albert Hall debut this month. Amy, who plays many instruments but chiefly the flute, and the pianist Frasier Hickland will ...
Portia A. Buckley’s Clodagh and TJ O’Grady Peyton’s Room Taken have made it to the Oscars short list. The news was announced last week that both Irish shorts had been selected for the short list of 15 ...
The failure to achieve peace, to eliminate acute global poverty, hunger, and the consequences of climate change and ...
Bank of England warns banks to have a Plan B for Brexit aftermath ...and a Plan C and a Plan D... UK banks need to ...
Trevor Ringland, former Ireland rugby player who has been honoured with an MBE for his community work, told David Hennessy about the role sport... Kildare is marking the 1500th anniversary of St ...
Ireland’s Foreign Minister says country must use its wealth to ease ‘suffering’ across the world Ireland’s Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said €1.22 billion will be... German prosecutors said the ...
Aoife Kelleher told David Hennessy about her documentary about Ireland’s first female President which is set to open Irish Film Festival London. The forthcoming Irish... TJ O’Grady-Peyton and Gabriel ...
In this week's special commemorative Irish World: • President Michael D Higgins pays tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth and writes about her significant contribution... More than 100 Heathrow Airport ...
Louisa Connolly- Burnham told David Hennessy about her short film Sister Wives, the story of two women married to the same man who fall for each other and which was inspired by a fundamentalist sect ...
KeSTine told David Hennesy about his new album, being inspired by seeing how they celebrated life at his grandmother’s funeral in Nigeria and being the victim of a racist attack at a festival in Cork.