Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the ...
Of all the odious servants of the right wing—Jerry Falwell, Ken Starr, Britney Spears—none is more offensive than Rep. Blanton Foghorn of West Carolina. Foghorn carries water for the SUV ...
You've been directed to this page to help us better understand your computer and browser setup so that we can address the problems you're having with Slate's ...
Which of these lines of argumentation will lead to real closure for a married couple? Click on your favorites to advance them through the tourney.
How the U.K.’s 3D Ceramix Renaissance Inspired U.S. Artists to Combine Ancient Craft With Modern TechBy Chris Martins For most of its 30,000–year history, pottery has been a tactile experience.
Although frequently the work of outside agitators consultants in the past, the crafting of mission statements for federal agencies is now the responsibility of the Extraneous Services ...
“Stan” Grobinger has been with the ESA since its inception in July 1974. A lifelong Blorplepolitan, Stan is married to his high-school sweetheart, the former Lynne Wubbins. He is a member of ...
We’re just like your neighborhood swap meet, only without the greasy stench of kielbasa! So, get in the swing of bidding, buying, and selling, where you take a risk and we take a cut!