OTTAWA - The Green Party of Canada is pleased to announce Simon Guthrie as the new Critic for Democratic Reform in the Shadow Cabinet. With a rich background in both innovation and community ...
OTTAWA — Green Party Leader Elizabeth May today announced changes to the Shadow Cabinet, appointing two remarkable individuals, Dr. Jennifer Purdy and Dr. Anne-Marie Zajdlik, to key critic roles in ...
Monthly meetings of the Governance Committee of the Green Party of Canada. I'm in! Please keep me up to date on the latest news.
Place: Adult Recreation Centre at the the Corner of King and Allen, Waterloo Ontario This is a chance for members to vote on the EDA Executive, help determine the 2010 Annual Plan and meet your ...
OTTAWA - Le Parti vert du Canada a le plaisir d'annoncer que Simon Guthrie est le nouveau porte-parole pour la réforme démocratique au sein du Cabinet fantôme. Grâce à sa riche expérience en matière d ...
OTTAWA - La cheffe du Parti vert, Elizabeth May, a annoncé aujourd'hui des changements au sein du Cabinet fantôme, en nommant deux personnes remarquables, la Dre Jennifer Purdy et la Dre Anne-Marie ...