This week we’ll be learning about Latex, a typesetting program recommended by many classes at CMU.
If at any point you get stuck during this initial setup or throughout the semester, please don’t hesitate to post on Piazza or come to office hours. SSH is a ...
Define the following logic terms and apply them to real-world problems: Describe the simple model checking algorithm and the theorem proving algorithms - forward chaining and resolution, what they ...
Automated reasoning has become a powerful technology with applications ranging from verification of hardware and software to solving long-standing open problems in mathematics. This course covers ...
15-210 aims to teach methods for designing, analyzing, and programming sequential and parallel algorithms and data structures. The emphasis is on teaching fundamental concepts applicable across a wide ...
Download slides Hint: You can change the video speed using the "Settings" gear on the bottom right. If speed control doesn't appear, go to ...
This course provides a broad and pragmatic foundation in the most basic tool of the programmer: programming languages. It starts with the fundamentals of syntax, parsing, and binding, the core ...
Lecturer: Jason Li, GHC 7203, jmli at TAs: Emin Berker, GHC 6207, rberker at Office hours: Emin Wednesdays 2-3, Jason Fridays 1-2 Location: GHC 4303, MWF 3:30-4:50 3:30-4:50 ...
The course is located on the walkway in front of Wean Hall, in the area with the two bicycle ramps. The track consists of a wavy, white painted stripe approximately two inches in width, and has a ...