Batman: The Animated Series is a timeless classic for many reasons, leaving a huge impact on the DC universe and animated TV ...
A Triple Star System Yields an Unusual Surviving Star Unlike our Sun, which exists alone, at least half of the stars in our ...
The canonical fate of Watto, a fan-favorite character from the Star Wars prequels, has seemingly been revealed, and it looks ...
The in-game scene takes place in a fragment of the campaign where Luke Skywalker visits the planet Mustafar. If you are a veteran of the saga, you will recognize the location. For those who don’t, ...
The Brutalist has received 10 Oscar nominations despite controversy over its use of artificial intelligence. But it’s not ...
Kylo Ren's new comic series Legacy of Vader is going to take the time to remind you that deep down, Anakin Skywalker always ...
Artist Phil Noto's new design for Han Solo makes him seem perfectly ready to be a new father - which is all the more tragic knowing what's coming.
Star Wars has taken everyone into the galaxy full of excitement and magic Fans wonder if they could ever get the chance to experience the same settings as their favorite characters in the saga There ...
After filling in the gaps between the Original Trilogy movies, Marvel Comics' next wave of Star Wars titles will pick up with ...
Ryan Gosling is reportedly in talks to star in Shawn Levy's Star Wars film, which sources say is a "stand-alone" and unconnected to the Skywalker Saga.