A man whose string of crimes led him to be known as the "Clover Leaf Rapist" will now spend 82 years to life in prison.
A man known as the "Clover Leaf Rapist" and convicted of a series of rapes in 2013 and 2014 in Sacramento County was sentenced to 82 years to life imprisonment.
A man convicted in three attacks against women in Sacramento County in late 2013 and early 2014 was sentenced to 82 years to ...
J.D. Simien was convicted of a series of rapes in 2013 and 2014 in Sacramento County. A rift is emerging between the east and ...
Boca Raton expands its downtown shuttle service to include beach areas, with eco-friendly rides and a mix of free and ...
He was arrested earlier this month and is charged with 13 felony counts, including rape, sodomy and kidnapping. Since his arrest, police said a sixth potential victim has come forward. Maly is ...