When traveling to Italy, Father Nugent invites travelers to approach their destinations from the perspective of a pilgrim.
in Wilmington’s Little Italy neighborhood surrounding St. Anthony of Padua Parish. Martina was a proud graduate of Padua Academy, where, among other leadership positions, she was the president ...
The Renaissance, as a wall label in Reimagining the Renaissance reminds us, began in Italy six centuries ago but its ...
As they prepared to walk through the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica ... the stops they make on an Italy-wide pilgrimage, including the tomb of St. Anthony in Padua, St. Francis in Assisi ...
Those are the steps that were brought back to Italy from Jerusalem. Those are the steps that were in Pontius Pilate’s Palace, where Jesus Christ walked up.” Chris Farrell, St. Anthony’s dean ...
He moved to his parent's village, Sant’ Andrea del Garigliano, in Italy, at the age of three ... will be held March 6th at 11 am at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 901 N.
First documented by Renaissance artist and historian Giorgio Vasari in Lives of the Artists, the work was stolen from Italy by Napoleon ... including Saint Anthony of Padua, who was previously ...
Faithful gather around a statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel outside Saint Joseph’s Church, Hammonton, in July 2022. (File ...
Sunday: 8:00AM (In Portuguese); 11:00AM (In Portuguese); 7:00PM (In Portuguese). Weekday: 6:00PM Mon-Fri (In Portuguese). Reconciliation: 5:30-6:00PM Mon (Bilingual ...
9:00AM (In Portuguese); 12:00PM (In Portuguese); 2:00PM (Spanish).