Tamil Nadu’s 13-episode Shark Tank-inspired Startup Singam show will start airing on Republic Day. Read on for the details!
Many of us are used to storing memorable items associated with birthdays and weddings inside a regular plastic keep or ...
Jarsh Safety's appearance on Shark Tank not only garnered offers from all four Sharks but also presented new growth opportunities. Backed by experienced investors, Jarsh Safety plans to scale its ...
Successful businesses know the power of teamwork, and so do great students. Whether you’re working on a group presentation or helping a friend study, collaboration makes things easier. Communicate ...
Plus, YouTube star MrBeast, Elon Musk and Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison are among the names on a list of potential U.S.
While ByteDance has said they do not plan to sell their TikTok US operations, this has not stopped potential buyers from lining up to bid.
FUPRO, led by Nimish Mehra and Cyril Joe Baby, aims to revolutionize prosthetics with affordable, advanced technology. Their ...
Lori Greiner passed on a Shark Tank pitch, but Kevin O'Leary turned it into his most profitable deal. Here’s what went down ...
In today’s connected world, access to technology is central to the way we operate, and it is fundamental to a more equitable future. Accessibility is the vehicle for inclusion of people with ...