No one knows precisely how Trump's challenge to the Department of Education will affect schools, but the stakes involve nearly $1B in federal money for SC.
Black History Month is here, and, during February, WYFF News 4 Today will feature a Black History "Fact of the Day."We're ...
A former school superintendent is returning to his roots as a teacher in the Charleston County School District.After more than 25 years in administration, Robbi ...
San Luis Coastal is not the only SLO County school district wrestling with budget woes. The Paso Robles school board recently ...
Students at Sequoyah Middle School learned about Rogers County government Thursday from several local government figures. Melanie Price's seventh and eighth grade Career Connections classes hosted ...
Every year, thousands of public-school teachers across South Carolina sign their contracts for the next school year, without knowing how much they will be paid, what subjects they will teach, or where ...
The South Carolina Board of Education has decided to remove four additional books from the state's public schools due to concerns about inappropriate content.