The Xbox boss mentioned that Microsoft is still "spending a lot of time absorbing Activision Blizzard employees," meaning it ...
Sony a clairement fait de l'inédit avec sa PlayStation 5 : non seulement il a augmenté le prix de la machine en cours de route (une première dans l'industrie), mais il vend aussi sa PS5 Pro au tarif l ...
The Fortnite-themed PS5 controller is sold out at multiple retailers, but you can now get it at Amazon for less than retail ...
The PS5 Pro, Sony's mid-generation console upgrade, offers improved performance and graphics for PlayStation enthusiasts.
A number of PS Portal users on Reddit have claimed that the remote gaming device benefits from a few advantages when used in ...
PS Portal owners are claiming they are seeing improvements while streaming games from the newly released PS5 Pro.
Sony's second mid-gen console refresh is here and PlayStation 5 Pro is every bit the best way to play the best games in the ...
Avec l'arrivée de la nouvelle console Sony Playstation dans les foyers, moult questions se posent déjà, au moment d'installer ...
Version 1.5 de la PlayStation 5, la PS5 Pro améliore les composants et, in fine, les performances du GPU de la console de Sony pour des jeux plus beaux et fluides. Un bond en avant pas forcément révol ...