As Macbeth and his wife’s paranoia intensifies, fracturing their reality, their descent into madness leads to an exploration of just how far the human mind can be pushed, and explores who is pulling ...
Barestage Productions’ “Macbeth” staged its preview performance last Thursday, and before the show, members of the cast and ...
Seen via the lens of the prophetic three witches, a reimagined 'Macbeth' at La Boite Theatre offers much promise, but fails in its vision and delivery.
Courtney Stewart played one of the witches in Queensland Theatre’s Macbeth – a big, old-school production with a largely Anglo cast and an imported British director, Michael Attenborough. And it got ...
Mary Macbeth Looker was born April 4 ... sang soprano in the choir, volunteered for war efforts in the gas mask production line, and worked as a candy striper. Mary was an inciteful, eloquent ...
Small wonder America’s allure is fading. Recent events warrant it. As a columnist, beating the drum ceaselessly only induces ...
WITH STACY KEACH has been announced at Theatre 40 In April. Maxwell Caulfield will interviews Stacy Keach onstage at Theatre ...
Tennessee Shakespeare Company (TSC) will bring G. Bernard Shaw’s masterwork of spiritual, political, and human inquiry, Saint ...
The ghost of Aurangzeb is back to haunt India, like Banquo's ghost. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the apparition represented ...
According to Michael Sexton in these pages, “since the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in 1823 by the US, it has designated both North and South America to be US spheres of influence” (“Only US and ...
Beyond the broad strokes and glossy feminist portrayals of women in Bollywood films, regional cinema tells stories without ...