The School of Music’s upcoming “Lectures in Musicology” event will aim to strike a chord with students Monday evening. In this installment of the weekly series, Dylan Crosson — a PhD candidate in ...
Derrick Porter shares the story of Horatio Spafford, who wrote “It Is Well With My Soul,” in this week’s “Music & the Spoken Word” with The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Watch it here.
a child of God, regardless of how people looked at him," Yesehaq said. "He had a desire to be baptized long ago, but there were people close to him who controlled him and who were aligned to a ...
According to a church press release, “Faith in Every Footstep” commemorated the 150th anniversary of Latter-day Saint pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley. It was included in the previous hymn books ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced 15 new hymns to it's collection of "Hymns - For Home and Church." ...
In a letter to congressional leaders obtained by NBC News, music stars like Aerosmith, Barbra Streisand, Céline Dion, Gloria ...
Hundreds of famous names from across musical genres — including Mariah Carey, Jelly Roll, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Lil ...
The Church teaches, "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end.
This church became known as the Coptic church because Copt is the Arabic and Greek word for Egyptian. Before the Moslem invasion in 641 the Copts fell into heresy due to their rejection of the ...
Billy Morrison has released a video for his new single Gods of Rock N Roll – featuring Ozzy Osbourne on vocals.
Hundreds of music legends and rising stars are calling on Congress to make major radio companies equitably pay artists when ...
Mickey Starling  [email protected] Milton Ostrander (Big Mo) and the Ostrander family are coming to Dowling Park ...