Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Shonen anime titles and their meanings have always been an integral part of the anime fandom. While there have been simple names such as One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100, there are many other ...
but also a host of impressive original anime titles. It has secured the platform’s position as of the go-to streaming services for the medium. With over 100 titles to choose from across a ...
Spring sees the highest concentration of romance anime titles, closely followed by Summer. The trend of more romance anime in Spring may be due to the metaphorical idea of youth's "springtime." ...
If you're entrenched in the anime fandom, it probably feels as though isekai has had a lock on the anime industry for a ...
Defeat the cold snap this season with a nice toasty lineup of winter anime streaming. There's still a wait for upcoming releases like The Summer Hikaru Died, but you can watch fantasy, action, comedy ...
AniWave has become a popular anime streaming site, offering a vast library of titles and high-quality streaming options.
Japanese anime fans have never had so many options to enjoy streaming their favorite animated series and films. They can choose an established platform like Hulu, Netflix or Crunchyroll, or watch ...
Netflix UK has unveiled its release schedule for February 2025. It features a variety of content, including anime, dramas, ...