The Sundance Film Festival 2025, beloved by independent film enthusiasts, opens the film festival circuit with thought-provoking panels, and red-carpet premieres. Despite the cancellation of other ...
The short documentary features Andrew Young and the late Jerry West talking about the connection between basketball and civil rights.
Bullpen Capital founder Paul Martino's assessment comes as the Sundance Film Festival is screening the first two episodes in the documentary series Bucks County, USA.
This is an updated version of a story that originally ran in 2017. Fellow New Jersey music diehards, this is it — the ultimate Garden State music bucket list: 51 Jersey albums that wholly define our state’s contributions to rock,
Incarcerated men in the Alabama prison system risked their safety to feed shocking footage of their horrifying living conditions to a pair of documentary filmmakers.
After holding the event for 40 years in the Utah ski town, organizers plan to take it elsewhere starting in 2027.
Next-Gen filmmakers, supported by the Adobe film and TV fund, get real about what it takes to premiere a film at Sundance.
This isn’t quite the opening we would expect, but this unpredictable opening and these awkward interactions set the tone for James Sweeney’s Twinless perfectly. In a bereavement support group for twins,
We love music festivals as much as you do. Music Festival Wizard is dedicated to covering the scene, the experience, and the music with news, lineups, reviews, and commentary. See you this summer somewhere down the nomad road.
"Twinless," which screened at the Sundance Film Festival, challenges dramatic notions of sympathetic characters and relationship narratives, for a bold, singular vision.
The documentarian, alongside producer Tig Notaro, spoke with IndieWire at our festival studio about their tear-jerking new film about Andrea Gibson.