4,000, 300 VMS sites, a further 1,400 safety signs can be used to manage local traffic in the event of incidents and emergencies The National Traffic Control Centre (NTCC) based in the West Midlands ...
Athens was praised for hosting one of the most successful Olympic Games to date back in 2004. The success of the project was not least due to the scrupulous attention to detail and security that ...
The Manaus-Iranduba bridge, also called Ponte Rio Negro, is a 3.6km river crossing across the Rio Negro in the Amazon region of Brazil. The bridge connects the cities of Manaus and Iranduba. Manaus is ...
The Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel (SMART) is the longest tunnel in Malaysia and the second longest stormwater tunnel in Asia. The 13.2m diameter tunnel consists of a 9.7km stormwater bypass ...
$1.67bn (of which highway developments account for $795m) The T-REX Transportation Expansion Project (previously known as the Southeast Corridor Project) was a $1.67bn venture that was designed to ...
SolaRoad is a unique road that converts sunlight reflecting on its surface into renewable power. Located along the N203 in the town of Krommenie in North Holland, the 100m-long pilot project is the ...
In June 1992, the Norwegian Parliament decided to construct the world’s longest road tunnel. The 24.5km-long stretch of tunnel stretches between Aurland and Laerdal on the new main highway connecting ...
The New Nice Middleton Bridge Project will replace the Governor Harry W Nice Memorial / Senator Thomas ‘Mac’ Middleton Bridge across the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia in the US. The ...
Built in 1962, Puente de las Americas (Bridge of the Americas) was the only road crossing point of the Panama Canal. When it first opened, 9,500 vehicles crossed the bridge daily; in 2004 this number ...
The New Champlain Bridge Corridor project involved the replacement of the existing Champlain Bridge over the St Lawrence River with a 3.4km Samuel De Champlain Bridge, which has six lanes for ...
October 2006; Bridge scrapped by Italian parliamentary vote.
Societé de Construction de l'Autoroute de traversee de l'Ouest Parisien (Socatop), VINCI, Eiffage Construction and Colas, SENDIN, Bernold-Ceresola AG, PERI S.A.S. France, RB-PIM, Simpra, Bonnard & ...