Budget representations are an opportunity for interested parties to comment on existing government policies and to recommend ...
The benefits of having a micro niche are numerous believes Catherine Davis, founder of Urban Ledgers, which specialises in video games accounting and ...
Although there is still over a month to go until the Autumn Budget the UK’s business groups have begun their lobbying the Chancellor for the changes they ...
Employer paye account reported as suspicious activity , 170+ new employee tax code -identity theft ? We are a small business and our agent / accountant has been regularly filing nil EPS for last three ...
Hi. I have a foreign couple who are married and left the UK since 2016. Their only income in the UK is through a rental property which is managed through a ...
Annette Pettitt, Director at Leigh Park Accountancy Lt/ For over a decade, I have fully embraced the use of going digital, and my ...
Abul Nurujjaman ACCA, Accountant at Taj Accountants, Vice President at the British Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, ...
Rebecca Benneyworth MBE BSc FCA, Tax consultant and lecturer / Beyond quarterly reporting, MTD's wider benefit is HMRC's ability to ...
On 3 September, in one of its first significant forays into the world of taxation so far, the new Labour government announced ...
Have you found this content useful? Use the button above to save it to your profile. Nothing would please this columnist more than to have a stream of responses from accountants to the question, “What ...
In /Go City Limited vs HMRC [1]/, the first tier tribunal (FTT) couldn’t see the attraction in HMRC’s four assessments of a ...
As reported by Ian Holloway in July 2023 [1], “administrative discrepancies” caused tens of thousands of eligible taxpayers ...