The directive from the Office of Management and Budget that froze most federal funds on Monday had not gone through the usual ...
The Office of Personnel Management tells agency and department heads they must close all DEIA offices by the end of Wednesday ...
Andrew Kloster, chief lawyer in the government's HR office, has a history of making sexist and racist comments ...
The White House Office of Management and Budget on Wednesday rescinded a memo that froze federal grants and loans and created ...
In a Tuesday night email, the Office of Personnel Management told federal workers that they have until Feb. 6 to decide how ...
A memo from the White House's Office of Personnel Management criticized "virtually unrestricted" telework and laid out next ...
The White House budget office on Wednesday rescinded an order freezing federal grants after the administration’s move to halt ...
From the funding freeze to the federal-employee buyout, the White House doesn’t seem to know what its own teams are doing.