Because we've got a brand new bad guess on a Wheel of Fortune puzzle. Most of the letters were filled in on this: NE_ _OR_ _HEESE_A_E. The clue is Food and Drink, and right away, I knew it.
Here you’ll find the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle answer throughout the month of February 2025. We will also provide answers to all of the standard puzzles and toss-ups. We will update this ...
A bride-to-be on Wheel of Fortune might not have an extravagant wedding after ... Heath chose the category “Food & Drink.” ...
That led to a seven-year gap until October 17, 2021, when Melissa Joan Hart on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune managed to solve the "Food and Drink" category with the letters G, M, W and A, correctly ...
A college professor almost walked away with a good chunk of change on Wheel of Fortune, but fried her chances in the bonus round. Tabrina Smith thought that the puzzle had something to do with fried ...