Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute scientists have discovered Bathydevius caudactylus, a new species of glowing sea slug that lives deep in the ocean.
Since Donald Trump returned to office, experiments with a sea creature have taken on an unexpected connection to humans.
Have you ever seen a blue sea creature like this one? The oceans of the world are home to some unusual creatures, and few ...
Sea bunnies, the species Jorunna parva, may look a bit like rabbits, but they are actually a type of sea slug. These one-centimetre-long creatures belong to a group known as the dorid nudibranchs. In ...
They contain branches of the digestive system, and in some species of sea slug end in what’s called a cnidosac – a place where they can store the stinging nematocysts of the cnidarians they eat.
One of the three even lost and regrew its body twice. Two different species of Japanese sea slugs did this regeneration trick. Other creatures can cast off body parts when needed, like when some ...
Part of the access is trying to get people together so they can share work, share projects.” This sentiment is echoed by Sea Slug co-founder Rhys Iliakis, who also helped work on the delightful ...