The printing press is “a device that allows for the mass production of uniform printed matter”, explained Before its invention, all manuscripts had to be written out by hand ...
What do you thing is the modern technology that has the biggest impact on our lives? Vote in our poll, and share your opinion ...
2. Press for Printing The printing press, a revolutionary invention by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 CE, had a profound impact on the spread of knowledge, surpassing any other technology before the ...
At first, the invention of the printing press was met with enthusiasm by the masses, liberating information from religious authorities and giving rise to an institution dedicated to storytelling.
The printing press allowed literacy to spread and thinkers to share ideas and, thus, invent more things. Modern inventions tend more toward improving than transforming: an app that connects the ...
It’s widely accepted that the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg in the 15 th Century was the event that essentially enabled the development of the modern world, allowing access to ...