A heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Each episode is a ...
New episodes of the Beat the Chasers are airing every Thursday, where eye-watering amounts of money can be won by contestants ...
Four contestants - Gayna, Tim, Luca and Diane - took on Anne Hegerty, also known as The Governess, and won an incredible £100 ...
The professional quizzers on The Chase never ... chasers on the show, spent 15 years as a secondary school teacher. He taught Maths and PE in Newport and Cardiff before his TV career took off.
Eden, 20, from Bishop's Stortford, managed to bag an impressive £75,000 but it was later confirmed that he didn't actually ...
ITV's The Chase delivered one of its most unforgettable ... largest single-player win after taking home £75,000 in 2021. Fans of the show flooded social media with their reactions to the dramatic ...
Tribute poured in for an ITV The Chase star ... of the ITV show aired in October last year, with the player going up against Paul Sinha. It initially appeared on our TVs back in 2021.