Things are about to get extra peachy keen; The Peach Cobbler Factory is coming to ... hence the name, to the "Sweet Potato Pecan" flavor. Thick cookies also come in flavors of "Oreo Crunch ...
The Peach Cobbler Factory specializes in a variety of cobblers, featuring unique flavors like peach, strawberry, honey apple, cinnamon praline, and sweet potato pecan, all served with creamy ice ...
The Peach Cobbler Factory offers at least a dozen cobble flavors ranging from its namesake peach to cinnamon praline peach, apple walnut raisin and sweet potato pecan, the company's website shows.
Things are about to get extra peachy keen; The Peach Cobbler Factory is coming to the capital city ... hence the name, to the "Sweet Potato Pecan" flavor. Thick cookies also come in flavors of "Oreo ...