Starting the week with a clear mind and energized body can set a positive tone for the days ahead. Incorporating yoga into ...
Stretching is often a quick fix for shoulder stiffness. To address the root cause, here are four targeted exercises that not ...
Here are five useful arm exercises that can help improve your typing stamina. The wrist flexor stretch ensures your forearm ...
Flexibility is how far you can stretch, while mobility is how you control your body through that stretch. Here are exercises ...
Place the big toes together. Stretch your hips back to your heels. And stretch your arms forward. Let your forehead rest on the floor. Find a couple of deep breaths here. Then lift your head ...
This exercise stretches your shoulder muscles. If the arm position is uncomfortable, do this exercise by holding opposite shoulders. This exercise stretches your shoulders and neck. Keep your hips ...
Spider walks enhance finger dexterity and strength on the sitar. Begin at the top of the fretboard with one finger per fret.
Stretching is key when working at a DIY desk. These five simple exercises will help loosen your aching muscles. To try and stave off the aches and pains that so often accompany our desk jobs, you ...
Lie on your back, and, using both hands, draw your right knee toward your right shoulder. With the left hand, guide your ...
Start on your back, reach your arms behind your head and push away with your palms. At the same time, stretch out your legs and try to make your body as straight and outstretched as possible.
Make sure you have plenty of space to stretch your arms. Speaking of arms, how about a pec fly? Grab your tubing. You're going to take both handles in one hand and the rest of the tubing in the ...
Hold for 30 seconds. Child’s Pose is a classic yoga move. The stretch is restorative, especially if you let your arms relax alongside your body. It also stretches your upper back while calming ...