Sound Transit said fare inspections at light rail stations will begin within two weeks, with passengers needing to provide proof of payment within "fare paid zones." Fare ambassadors will check ...
Sound Transit, which constructs and operates transit service throughout Pierce, King and Snohomish counties, has been seeking ...
Starting Monday, Sound Transit fare ambassadors will begin checking passengers for proof of payment on some Link station platforms. This adds to the current fare checks that take place on Link and ...
The projected salary is $675,000 to lead one of the nation's largest transit buildouts, funded mainly through local voter-approved taxes.
During a special meeting of the Sound Transit Board of Directors’ Executive Committee this evening, the committee recommended “Candidate C” for the role of Chief Executive ...
The Sound Transit board of directors will soon announce the name of a new CEO to lead the public agency with its $4-billion budget. When the announcement is made, that person likely would have ...