As an emergency medicine doctor, I frequently see patients with symptoms including chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and overwhelming fear. The pressing question they often have is: ...
He and his wife are convinced he is having a heart attack. He could be-only, this time, the ER doctors tell him his heart is just fine. What he's having is a panic attack. Though no one should ...
What initially seems like purely psychological trouble may indeed have roots in physical conditions that, once identified, ...
Panic attacks usually happen with little to no warning ... the quicker their body can send blood flow back to stiff and numb ...
A panic attack is a sudden wave of overwhelming fear and anxiety that is accompanied by physical symptoms. For some people it can produce the same sensations as a heart attack, including chest ...
In this terrifying moment, one crucial question emerges: is this a life-threatening heart attack or an intensely uncomfortable panic attack? With symptoms that often mirror each other ...
Panic Attacks - Enough is enough ... your legs are shaking and you feel numb and tingly all over. Rationally, you think, "None of this makes sense," yet it terrifies you. As time goes on, you ...