You’ve had a long week. Come sit down. Ice those knees. Treat yourself to a custard cream. It’s time to crack out ol’ reliable. Sentient It’s wild to sit back and look through the PS1 library and ...
Konami is working to bring back many of its franchises in a big way, as evidenced by the Silent Hill 2 Remake and the ...
These are the underrated and underappreciated original PlayStation games that badly need a remake with a graphical overhaul ...
It doesn’t make any major missteps, though, which can’t be said for every PS1 JRPG that gets an HD makeover. Suikoden I & II HD Remaster presents one good game and one excellent one (it’s ...
PS Plus has action, turn-based, shooter, open-world, and tactical RPGs, so there should be something for just about everyone. As the service's library is so vast, here is a rundown of the best PS ...