Once the domain of fringe survivalists and doomsday preppers, underground shelters are now attracting wealthy elites, tech billionaires, and those looking to ensure their survival during the ...
As gold and bitcoin climb to records, gone are the days when doomsday preppers were just fringe survivalists hoarding gold bars and guns in underground bunkers. Today's preppers are diversifying ...
Narrator: Doomsday prepping isn't a new idea. In the '50s and '60s, houses were built with bunkers, and shelters started popping up during the Cold War. Today's preppers have plenty of survival ...
A lot of people think of a weird guy with a beard living in a hut in the woods with his dog and his manifesto — I think I provide a different face,” she said.
After the government advised households to have enough supplies for at least three days in case of a national emergency, attention has turned to people whose doomsday preparations are a way of life.
The "preppers" had a variety of reasons for their doomsday stashes ... cooking utensils, and portable shelters, told Business Insider. After Trump was elected in 2016, Mills returned to the ...