Kijkduin en Ockenburgh is a Dutch subdistrict of the Loosduinen district in The Hague. The subdistrict is located in the western part of The Hague at the municipal border of Monster. The area is bordered by the North Sea, an imaginary line between beach pole 105 and the De Savornin Lohmanlaan, the Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan, the Duinlaan, the Kijkduins…Kijkduin en Ockenburgh is a Dutch subdistrict of the Loosduinen district in The Hague. The subdistrict is located in the western part of The Hague at the municipal border of Monster. The area is bordered by the North Sea, an imaginary line between beach pole 105 and the De Savornin Lohmanlaan, the Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan, the Duinlaan, the Kijkduinsestraat, the Ockenburghstraat, the Loosduinse Hoofdstraat, the Monsterseweg and the municipal border with Monster. The subdistrict consists of two neighborhoods Kijkduin and Ockenburgh.